Röportajın aşağıya koyduğum kısmı çok hoşuma gittiği için burdan ayan beyan paylaşıyorum.Geri kalanını kopyalamak anlamsız, lütfen üşenmeyiniz,tıklayınız ve okuyunuz:)
"Could you pinpoint one particular artist or song that inspired you to do Swim?
It wasn’t really a piece of music; and that was the whole thing with Swim, I didn’t want to hear a sound and try to copy it or whatever. I would rather be inspired by the ideas behind a piece of music or in this case, the biggest influences like Golden Feet and Theo Parrish (when he was playing Plastic People in London); just when I was was starting to make music it was kinda of the breadth of music that he played and the way he was playing music that was danceable.
It was extremely weird and eccentric and still making people dance because it was rhythmically dance music. Otherwise it was really abstract music and that inspired me to think about how much freedom actually making dance music gives, though people think of it as being this really restrictive genre. And that impressed me as being a way of liberating myself into the way of doing stranger things in the guise of making dance music."